
In this installment of One Shot, Angelo Cirrincione spoke to Alex Coghe about ca...

In this installment of One Shot, Angelo Cirrincione spoke to Alex Coghe about capturing sea life in Sicily: http://bit.ly/1yYhGLR

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall

A new and expanded edition of Roger Ballen's "Outland," featuring previously unp...

A new and expanded edition of Roger Ballen's "Outland," featuring previously unpublished pictures has been released. Watch this video by Ben Jay Crossman for a journey to the Outland that shows us the mind inside the mind.

Roger Ballen's Outland (2015)

Phaidon Press has released a revised version of the iconic book Outland by photographer Roger Ballen. Film maker Ben Jay Crossman takes us on a journey to th...

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall
