
In this installment of Rolling Through the Shadows, Mark Whiteley talks to Antho...

In this installment of Rolling Through the Shadows, Mark Whiteley talks to Anthony Acosta about his relationship with skateboarding and photography: http://bit.ly/1sTzZxO

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall

レンズ沼探検隊 ライカ沼担当 5月20日に投稿したなう

ライカ沼担当からの報告書 * 2014-05-21 * 10:18:45

レンズ沼探検隊 ライカ沼担当(@leicapond) - Twilog
ヤフオクのライカ沼から出品情報をつぶやきます。おまけでライカ関連のニュース・ウワサ話も。その他のレンズ情報は兄弟アカウント達をご参照下さい。なお、プロフ画像は裏磐梯 五色沼湖沼群の青沼です。 
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May 21st 2014, 09:39

★美品★ライカLeica VARIO ELMAR-Rバリオエルマ- 75-200mm F4.5: 現在価格:29,800 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/22 22:07 j.mp/1jpuHJw #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 09:39:10

◆奇跡の新品同様◆LEICA ライカ M4 ブラッククローム 保証付♪: 現在価格:239,800 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/21 21:02 bit.ly/R6pbAe #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 09:14:12

【良品】Leica/ライカ エルマリート R 28mm F2.8 元箱: 現在価格:7 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/23 21:11 j.mp/1m1pZBK #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 09:12:35

★希少良品★ライカLeica Macro-ELMARIT R 60mm F2.8: 現在価格:69,800 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/25 22:23 j.mp/1m1jzmb #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 08:37:35

希少★超極上★ライカ Leica 21mmファインダー SBKOO ブラック★: 現在価格:2,121 円,入札数:3,終了日時:2014/05/21 22:39 bit.ly/1lMIeJx #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 08:31:16

☆美品☆ Leica IIIc ライカ バルナックタイプ: 現在価格:30,000 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/21 22:23 bit.ly/1jp0xWZ #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 07:02:31

新同一品 LEICAライカ Summaronズマロン 35mm F2.8 メガネ付きM: 現在価格:1,100 円,入札数:3,終了日時:2014/05/27 21:06 bit.ly/1lMfNeF #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 06:25:27

Nicca 3-F M39 ライカマウント : 現在価格:13,000 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/27 21:49 bit.ly/R5Ksdf #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 05:48:11

ライカL フォクトレンダー APO-LANTHAR 90mm F3.5 MC フード付: 現在価格:25,000 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/27 21:17 bit.ly/1h5mOVu #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 04:32:49

ライカ 純正 バルナック 用 スプール 3a 3f 3c 等に: 現在価格:3,970 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/24 23:42 bit.ly/1h5mOVk #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 04:32:48

★稀少!★ ライカ LEICA M4-2 ブラック CANADA カナダ 注目♪★: 現在価格:1 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/25 22:36 bit.ly/1lLAebJ #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 03:55:17

貴重★超新品★コニカ KONICA M-HEXANON LENS 50mm F2★ライカM: 現在価格:10,500 円,入札数:1,終了日時:2014/05/23 22:32 bit.ly/1h4QzFI #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 02:02:04

銘玉 ライカL フジノン L 5cm F2: 現在価格:55,000 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/27 22:20 bit.ly/1h4QwKf #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 02:02:03

難有り Leica ELMARIT R 2.8/28 Rマウント 3カム: 現在価格:5,000 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/22 23:53 j.mp/1jnH4G2 #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 02:01:38

ライカ 7枚玉 ズミクロン SUMMICRON-M 35mmF2 GERMANY: 現在価格:70,000 円,入札数:4,終了日時:2014/05/21 21:03 j.mp/1jndHUb #ヤフオク! #ラスト!

posted at 00:33:10

Leica Elmarit R 35mm F2.8 ライカ エルマリート Leitz ライツ: 現在価格:1 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/27 21:08 j.mp/1lZuQ6s #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 00:30:17

★新品級★Panasonic LEICA D SUMMILUX 25mm F1.4 ASPH★フード: 現在価格:1 円,入札数:1,終了日時:2014/05/21 22:39 j.mp/1jncJrd #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 00:30:14

LEICA SUMMICRON R 50mm F2 ライカ ズミクロン Leitz 純正フード: 現在価格:1 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/27 21:10 j.mp/1jncIUd #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 00:30:11

ライカM3 艶消し、黒リペイント 整備済 極美品: 現在価格:115,000 円,入札数:-,終了日時:2014/05/25 21:14 bit.ly/1vzwQaH #ヤフオク! #新着

posted at 00:03:36

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Go on a journey through time with Leica Camera in this video celebrating 100 yea...

Go on a journey through time with Leica Camera in this video celebrating 100 years of Leica photography. #leica100

100 Years of Leica Photography: Pictures for Eternity

History can be written – or photographed.

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall


Robin Sinha took off to Istanbul from London to explore his street photography....

Robin Sinha took off to Istanbul from London to explore his street photography. Once there, he found new friends and an image-rich city: http://bit.ly/RRlkHU

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall

Leica Camera Asia Pacific hosted the official launch of the Leica T-System Launc...

Leica Camera Asia Pacific hosted the official launch of the Leica T-System Launch in Taiwan, at the Songshan Cultural Park in Taipei, hosting customers and friends of the media. #LeicaT

Managing Director for Leica Camera Asia Pacific, Mr. Sunil Kaul welcomed and introduced guests to the new Leica T-System. We were also pleased to have Leica Camera AG’s Leica T-System Product Manager, Ms. Maike Harberts speak about the dedicated craftsmanship and innovation behind the essence of the newest addition Leica System.

Members of the media got a chance to test-drive the Leica T-System while also having a chance to interview Ms Maike Harberts.

Guests were later treated to a dance performance featuring a dancer featuring a backdrop of the launch video of the Leica T-System while also having the chance to touch, feel and experience the joy of photography through the new Leica T-System.

Here are the highlights.

Taiwan: Launch of new Leica T

Leica Camera Asia Pacific hosted the official launch of the Leica T-System Launch in Taiwan, at the Songshan Cultural Park in Taipei, hosting customers and friends of the media. #LeicaT Managing Director for Leica Camera Asia Pacific, Mr. Sunil Kaul welcomed and introduced guests to the new Leica T-System. We were also pleased to have Leica Camera AG’s Leica T-System Product Manager, Ms. Maike Harberts speak about the dedicated craftsmanship and innovation behind the essence of the newest addition Leica System. Members of the media got a chance to test-drive the Leica T-System while also having a chance to interview Ms Maike Harberts. Guests were later treated to a dance performance featuring a dancer featuring a backdrop of the launch video of the Leica T-System while also having the chance to touch, feel and experience the joy of photography through the new Leica T-System. Here are the highlights.

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall