
Why I switched from a DSLR camera to a Leica rangefinder with Mark Wallace

Leica Camera AG is expanding their global sales organization


Leica Camera AG is expanding their global sales organization and announced some changes in their management:

Wetzlar, 28/01/2015 - Leica Camera AG is expanding their global sales organization and assigns in this context, the responsibilities for the German market again. Now under the umbrella of the global Sales Unit operates a German organization in addition to various branch offices in Europe, America, Asia and Australia. The global reorganization of the sales area, the markets in which the Leica Camera AG is represented by subsidiaries and trading partners more closely tied to the company's headquarters in the Hessian town of Wetzlar. The goal is to expand the national companies and so globally to achieve greater market penetration.

The Leica Camera AG has grown in recent years against the trend in global photography market, especially by working closely with retailers and a consistent focus on the company's own retail -Business with Leica galleries, Leica stores and boutiques. To further increase the efficiency and create potential for additional growth, Sales and Retail operate in the future in separate organizational structures. The Sales is listed as Global Sales Director with immediate effect by Steffen wedge (47). He is directly responsible national companies and reported to Kaltner Oliver, CEO of Leica Camera AG for Marketing, Sales and Retail. Prior to wedge had already International successfully promoted as head of sales, the internationalization of sales structures.

At the head of the German subsidiary enters Falk Friedrich (41) in recent years in international sales transactions with trading partners in Europe, the Middle East and Africa up with great success and has expanded. The former sales manager for Germany, Tim Pullman (43), has contributed significantly to the growth in its function of Leica Camera AG in the German market. He goes into the retail sector and assumes there the newly created position of Head of Retail Stores Leica Germany and Austria. As such, he is responsible for the Leica Stores in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Berlin, and Vienna Wetzlar.

Original German language press release:

Wetzlar, 28.01.2015 - Die Leica Camera AG baut ihre weltweite Vertriebsorganisation um und ordnet in diesem Zusammenhang auch die Zuständigkeiten für den deutschen Markt neu. Unter dem Dach der globalen Sales Unit operiert künftig eine deutsche Organisation neben den verschiedenen Landesgesellschaften in Europa, Amerika, Asien und Australien. Durch die globale Neuordnung des Sales-Bereichs werden die Märkte, in denen die Leica Camera AG durch Landesgesellschaften und Handelspartner vertreten ist, noch enger an die Unternehmenszentrale im hessischen Wetzlar angebunden. Ziel ist, die Landesgesellschaften weiter auszubauen und so global eine höhere Marktdurchdringung zu erreichen.

Die Leica Camera AG ist in den vergangenen Jahren gegen den Trend im weltweiten Fotomarkt gewachsen, vor allem durch eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Fachhandel und eine konsequente Ausrichtung auf das unternehmenseigene Retail-Geschäft mit Leica Galerien, Leica Stores und Boutiquen. Um die Effizienz weiter zu steigern und Potenzial für zusätzliches Wachstum zu schaffen, operieren Sales und Retail künftig in gesonderten Organisationsstrukturen. Der Bereich Sales wird ab sofort von Steffen Keil (47) als Global Director Sales geführt. Er verantwortet direkt die Landesgesellschaften und berichtet an Oliver Kaltner, Vorstand der Leica Camera AG für die Bereiche Marketing, Sales und Retail. Zuvor hatte Keil bereits als Leiter des Vertrieb International erfolgreich die Internationalisierung der Vertriebsstrukturen vorangetrieben.

An die Spitze der deutschen Landesgesellschaft tritt Falk Friedrich (41), der in den vergangenen Jahren im Vertrieb International die Geschäfte mit Handelspartnern in Europa, im Mittleren Osten und in Afrika mit großem Erfolg auf- und ausgebaut hat. Der bisherige Leiter des Vertriebs Deutschland, Tim Pullmann (43), hat in seiner Funktion erheblich zum Wachstum der Leica Camera AG im deutschen Markt beigetragen. Er wechselt in den Bereich Retail und übernimmt dort die neu geschaffene Position eines Head of Retail Leica Stores Deutschland und Österreich. Als solch

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from Leica News & Rumors



Knut Skjærven had a busy 10 days in Berlin where he ran into John Kerry, U.S. Se...

Knut Skjærven had a busy 10 days in Berlin where he ran into John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State, and Elliott Erwitt, among others: http://bit.ly/1yL6aq8

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall


Only 22 days to go ! Join the I shot it - Street Photography Competition. Curren...

Only 22 days to go ! Join the I shot it - Street Photography Competition. Current Status of today it´s $969.00 ( Increases with the number of entries ) and a Leica X Camera worth $2400.

Photos that appeal to the intellect and the emotions, that report without intruding. Photos that tell a story and draw the viewer in.


I SHOT IT : Street Photo Competition 2014 1


I SHOT IT : Photo Contest

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall


In this Meet The Leica Meet, Gavin Mills shares his “Invisible People” project,...

In this Meet The Leica Meet, Gavin Mills shares his “Invisible People” project, which examines the homeless: http://bit.ly/1zO6N3V

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall


Sundance Film Festival Day 2: Jason Sudeikis brought his own limited edition Lei...

Sundance Film Festival Day 2: Jason Sudeikis brought his own limited edition Leica MP Olive that was released to commemorate the opening of the Leica Store Kyoto to Sundance. In-between shoots, we enjoyed geeking out with him about Leica cameras!

Mark Mann captured Jason and his co-star Alison Brie who are in Sleeping with Other People premiering at Sundance. See more behind-the-scenes images of this collaboration bringing you closer to the 2015 Sundance Film Festival with Leica, Awardsline, and Deadline by visiting the live Flickr album: http://bit.ly/2015Sundance.

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall


Ramon Zuliani combines his passions for photography and skateboarding in his bla...

Ramon Zuliani combines his passions for photography and skateboarding in his black-and-white images: http://bit.ly/1BEOIpE

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall

Take an inside look at Ralph Gibson's lecture and MONO exhibition opening at Lei...

Take an inside look at Ralph Gibson's lecture and MONO exhibition opening at Leitz Park: http://bit.ly/1DZlH8Q

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall

Watch this video recapping Ralph Gibson's lecture at Leitz Park, which was held...

Watch this video recapping Ralph Gibson's lecture at Leitz Park, which was held on January 16, 2015.

Ralph Gibson - Live at Leitz Park

The Leica World in Wetzlar started out with a special cultural event in the New Year. Ralph Gibson, master of shadows and elegant nudes, talked about his life as…

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall


Ralph Gibson – Live at Leitz Park (video)

The Leica World in Wetzlar started out with a special cultural event in the New Year. Ralph Gibson, master of shadows and elegant nudes, talked about his life as photographer and about his experiences with the Leica M Monochrom during a lecture on January 16, 2015.

After using analogue Leica cameras since 1961, Gibson explored the potential of a digital camera for the first time with the Leica M Monochrom after a visit from Duncan Meeder, owner of the Leica Store Lisse/Henny Hoogeveen near Amsterdam in 2013. The result was his “Mono” series that was taken in ten different countries – a journey around the world in contrasting black and white. The "Mono" exhibition is on display at Leica Gallery Wetzlar until March 2015.

Ralph Gibson was born in Los Angeles in 1939. He studied photography in the US Navy and at the San Francisco Art Institute, and later worked as an assistant to Dorothea Lange and Robert Frank. In 1969, Gibson established Lustrum Press. Since then over 40 monographs of Gibson’s work have been published.

from Leica News & Rumors

As an active user of Leica Fotopark, the fashion label Augustin Teboul printed i...

As an active user of Leica Fotopark, the fashion label Augustin Teboul printed images for their exhibition SOUNDS OF BLACK using Leica Fotopark Premium Print Service.

SOUNDS OF BLACK, featuring impressive images by Stefan Milev, is on exhibition January 20 - January 21 in Berlin. See images from the exhibition here: http://bit.ly/AUGUSTINTEBOUL

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall



Jide Adeniyi-Jones introduces us to an ongoing project that looks at the work of...

Jide Adeniyi-Jones introduces us to an ongoing project that looks at the work of Nigerian peacekeeping forces: http://bit.ly/1IjYFJu

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall


Booksigning-Event mit Leica-Fotograf Herbert Piel am Samstag, den 17. Januar 201...

Booksigning-Event mit Leica-Fotograf Herbert Piel am Samstag, den 17. Januar 2015 von 13 Uhr bis 16 Uhr mit Fotos von Herbert Piel und Thomas Höpker!

Die Leica Galerie Frankfurt präsentiert ein Stück Mauer deutscher Geschichte! Zum 25. Mauerfalljubiläum wurde im Dezember 2014 vor den Türen der Leica Galerie eine „Skulptur“ des französischen Künstlers Thierry Noir aufgestellt.

Dabei handelt es sich um ein originales 2,7 t schweres Stück der

Berliner Mauer, das von Berlin nach Frankfurt transportiert wurde.

Am Samstag, den 17. Januar feiert die Leica Galerie ein Mauerfall-Event mit dem Booksigning „Wendezeit“ von Herbert Piel. Der deutsche Reportagefotograf hat mit seiner Kamera zeitgeschichtliche Dokumente der DDR festgehalten und wird in dem ein oder anderen Dialog gerne seine Sicht auf die DDR berichten.

Zu diesem Ereignis wird eine Auswahl seiner eindrucksvollen, sensiblen und zugleich humoristischen Fotografien präsentiert. Als thematische Ergänzung werden Sie Werke aus jener Zeit von dem bekannten und diesjährigen Preisträger des Leica Hall of Fame Awards Thomas Hoepker sehen, der als erster deutscher Fotograf für den stern nach Ost-Berlin geschickt wurde, um das dortige Leben zu dokumentieren.

Seien Sie ein Teil dieser Veranstaltung und besuchen Sie uns in der Galerie!

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!

Rahn AG, Leica Galerie Frankfurt

Am Salzhaus 2 | 60311 Frankfurt

Tel: 069 920 70 70 | Fax: 069 131 04 54

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall


With the Leica M-System, AndrewStuartPhotography documents the world of rock mus...

With the Leica M-System, AndrewStuartPhotography documents the world of rock musicians from the inside: http://bit.ly/14zp5Ih

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall

The new Leica Store Bellevue in Bellevue, Washington is now open. Stop by and sa...

The new Leica Store Bellevue in Bellevue, Washington is now open. Stop by and say hello if you're in the area! Like the page for more info: http://ift.tt/1wzjpWo

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall

Egor from ULTRAsomething takes an in-depth look at the Leica M-A in this review....

Egor from ULTRAsomething takes an in-depth look at the Leica M-A in this review. Check out his impressions and photographs here: http://bit.ly/1yGCgVd

Applied Relativity: The Leica M-A


from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall



Monika Bulaj is here at #LeicaFotopark! Read her thoughts and impressions on the...

Monika Bulaj is here at #LeicaFotopark! Read her thoughts and impressions on the platform: http://bit.ly/1KoTUQW

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall

Congratulations to our #DasPlaetzchen Holiday Cookie Contest winner @VioletSky29...

Congratulations to our #DasPlaetzchen Holiday Cookie Contest winner @VioletSky29! She’s won a Leica T camera with a zoom lens and interview on the Leica Blog. It was really hard to choose only one winner out of all of the amazing entries, but we could tell she put great care in making her Plaetzchen as close as possible to the original T products and the color rendition is a joy the eye. Thank you to everyone who took the time to cook up a delicious entry. We enjoyed seeing all of the talent and creativity that went into them! See all of the submissions with #DasPlaetzchen or by visiting http://bit.ly/DasPlaetzchenEntries. Bon Appétit!

from Leica Camera's Facebook Wall



Happy New Year and the best of 2014

Leica 35mm Summilux bokeh

Happy New Year to all LeicaRumors readers! Here are the top 10 most popular posts for 2014:

  1. Breaking: new Leica M-A film camera and 28mm Summilux-M f/1.4 ASPH lens

  2. More Leica T type 701 mirrorless camera pictures leaked online

  3. Leica T type 701 mirrorless camera to be announced on April 24th

  4. New Leica M-P 240 camera announced

  5. How about a Leica digital rangefinder without LCD screen?

  6. All you need to know about the new products Leica is rumored to introduce at Photokina

  7. The Leica M Edition 60 camera is designed by Audi

  8. Leica M Edition 60 camera announced

  9. No joke: new Leica C Hello Kitty and Playboy anniversary edition camera

  10. Coming soon: Leica X type 113 camera

Here are the top 10 posts for December, 2014:

  1. Leica M3D-5 “David Douglas Duncan” limited edition camera: additional coverage

  2. Leica Camera’s official response on the M9 sensor white spots/corrosion issue

  3. Leica announced a new limited edition M3D “David Douglas Duncan” camera

  4. New Leica price increase in Europe on January 1st, 2015

  5. Leica M9 sensor white spots/corrosion issues reported

  6. Leica photographers: Andre D. Wagner

  7. Leica M Edition 60 now shipping, unboxing pictures

  8. New limited edition Leica M Monochrome Silver Engrave model announced in Japan

  9. Colorful Leica cameras for a good cause

  10. 60 years anniversary of the Leica M camera (videos)

Posted by LeicaRumors.com

This RSS feed is copyrighted and cannot be republished in any way without permission.

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